Recycle App — Case Study

Ami Moradia
4 min readApr 17, 2020


Recycle App


The amount of waste people are creating is increasing all the time. There is a bazillion of data out there about how the waste we produce is affecting the planet and how recycling might help a little. Every day tons of garbage is generated and most of it does not make it to the right bin in order to be recycled.

Problem Statement

How many times have you searched online where to recycle something or is something recyclable? People have started thinking about saving the planet. Therefore, if we place the wrong items in the recycle bin, it’s equal or worse than not recycling at all. Thus, even if we can sort the items into proper recycle categories, and know how to locate the bins it would be easier and lead to cleaner environment. To create one of the flows for an app for Government targeting to increase civic education around waste segregation and management.


To create one of the app for users targeting to increase civic education around waste segregation and management.


To keep the app design minimalistic, Material colour palette has been used.The colour Green (500s) is used as the primary colour ( colour for the environment ) which also helped me to select dark primary as a darker shade(700s) of green. Monochromatic colour palette helped me keep the app simple and minimalistic.


The Roboto font has been used to create simplicity. The font features friendly and open curves and is one of the default font used in Android Devices. That will help users to connect easily.

High Fidelity Design

Walkthrough and Login Screens

The app starts with Login/Sign up screen. Once, the user has logged the app walkthrough will be shown. The user can go through it or skip it which will lead the user to the home page.

Home Screen

The user will land to the home page. The carousel housed in the header will lead the user to the blog page where the user can catch upto latest trends on protecting the environment. On clicking on any of the waste segregation categories lead to a page which shows a list of waste materials that falls under the particular segregation category, clicking on one of which leads to its details showing more information about it and how to recycle that kind of waste.

So many people don’t know what waste goes in which bin. So the colours near the waste item will help them to throw in the right bin. On clicking on any types of wastes categories lead to a page shows a list of items, which leads to a detail page wherein detailed information about how the item can be recycled is present which can also be added to bookmarks and viewed later.

If the waste is a kind which is not collected by the local authorities (like bio-waste, industrial waste etc), I have also added maps to locate garbage disposal dumps and waste processing units around a user much like a google maps view. I show this by placing a dark primary-coloured strip below the details page to show the location of where the user can dispose of it.

I have also added a notifications functionality so that the Government is able to broadcast announcements regarding the change in the processes of waste management.

As a side note on some attention to details, I did try to make the app as focus neutral and minimalistic as possible to make it very easily educable to the users. I have also done due research around how waste processing works in Government specifically and have architecture information in a way that we don’t ignore any possible user type or miss out on any education around any real-life constraints to manage waste. I have added hamburger menu which could house a lot of other ideas I had like a reminder functionality to dump the particular kind of waste on a day (dry waste twice a week and wet waste every day) and other important types of information anchors.

Thank you for reading! Hopeful you enjoyed this case study. If you have any feedback, I’d like to hear from you. Say hello at or connect on LinkedIn.



Ami Moradia
Ami Moradia

Written by Ami Moradia

Product designer with 7+ years of experience

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